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Giraffe Class - Year 3 and 4

Welcome back Giraffe Class!


Term 4 - Road Trip USA 

Which state in the USA should I visit and why?

Buckle up and put your sunglasses on – this half term we’re going on a road trip across the USA!

We’ll start by ‘visiting’ the states where Native American tribes settled. We’ll use the internet to research New York and write postcards to family members. Using maps, we’ll locate the USA and find the names of the states. We will learn about Native American myths. After learning about their cultural significance, we’ll weave beautiful dreamcatchers. Looking at aerial views of natural landmarks, we’ll think about how they might have been formed. We’ll create travel brochures and make illuminated models of different landmarks. Then we’ll cook delicious dishes – would anyone like a corn dog?

At the end of the project, we’ll make a ‘journey stick’ so we can remember where we have visited. We’ll use this to explain our learning journey.

Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday

Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days with earrings removed and long hair tied up.

Times Table Rock Stars

Children from Year 3 upwards will receive a username and passwords for Timetable Rock stars. This allows them to practise and prepare for the multiplication check at the end of Year 4.

You can log onto Times Table Rock Stars using the link below:


Giraffe class will be learning to play the ukuleles in small groups on Friday. Everything is provided for them to use in school.