Popokotea Class - Year 2 and 3
Welcome to Popokotea Class!
Term 4 - Bright Lights, Big City
Why is London a capital city?
In the Bright Lights, Big City project, your child will learn about the UK including its countries and capital cities. They will study all about England's capital - London! They will discover famous landmarks in London and be able to recognise the differences and similarities between a city and a village/town. They will learn about different forms of transportation used in London. They will plan a tour for Marley the Meerkat (he’s come all the way from Zambia, you know) making sure he takes in all the sights and sounds of London before he finally meets his family at London Zoo.
Our PE days are: Monday and Thursday
Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days with earrings removed and hair tied back.
Spelling home learning sheets will be handed out on a Friday and need to be handed back in before Friday the following week. Please ensure that you listen to your child read 5 times a week and that you are supporting them to login into Times Tables Rockstars and Ed Shed daily. Some children will also be bringing home a handwriting pack, this needs to be completed daily. We will be monitoring this in class. If you require further support with any of the new home learning arrangements, please find someone in Popokotea team.
Times Table Rock Stars
Children from Year 2 upwards will receive a username and passwords for Timetable Rock stars. This allows them to practise and prepare for the multiplication check at the end of Year 4.
You can log onto Times Table Rock Stars using the link below: