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Remote Learning - 9th January 2025

Hello again Popokotea Class!

Please find your learning below! Please note, there is no need to print anything off if you do not have a printer. Just write your learning down on a piece of paper or notebook using a pen or pencil. You also need to login into Times Tables Rockstars to start practising your knowledge!

Spelling - Practice these red words using look, say, cover, write and check. I have attached a document with the words on. See how many you can get! These are different words from yesterday's learning. 

Reading - How can I retrieve information from a text? Complete a Roman reading comprehension (again write out the answers and remember they do not need to be full sentences.)

Writing - How can I make my writing descriptive? Continue practising and applying adjectives. Below in the 'writing' attachment is an image and instructions. If you need another recap of what adjectives are and how to use them here is the link for the information we looked at yesterday! 

What are adjectives? - BBC Bitesize

Challenge - Can you use more than one adjective to describe something? For example, The sleepy, black cat was snoring. The giant, brown and soft bear sat on the wooden bench.

Maths - Practice your 5 times tables. Remember we have already learnt how to count in 5s and we can use that knowledge to help us learn our 5 times tables. If you are looking for more of a challenge or to further practice your times tables go onto times table rock stars!

PE - How can I use my body to create different holds and movements? Use the link below to access a yoga routine. Alternatively, you could set your own fitness challenge or circuit in your home. 

Watch & Stream Free Kids Yoga Videos | Cosmic Kids

Art - What is a portrait? This term we are looking at Portraits and Poses in our Art lessons. Have a look at what a portrait is in the link below. Then draw a portrait of one of your family members. Politely ask them if they can be a model for you. They will need to choose a pose, think about their facial expression and where their hands are placed and get into position. Remind them that they will need to stay still in the same position whilst you are sketching them. 

How to draw a portrait - BBC Bitesize