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Committee Members wanted.

Foundation Governors Wanted.


KCSP Governance Model


Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership is a charitable trust and a company limited by guarantee. The Trust was established in August 2012 by the Archbishop of Southwark.


The Trust Board of Directors ('Trustees') are responsible for overseeing the management and administration of the Trust and they fulfil this role by delegating functions to committees. 


The Trust understands the importance of the role of governance committees and the Trust has set out guidance and support in its Governance Handbook and Scheme of Delegation.

The Governance Committee is a ‘critical friend’ of the school. It provides Strategic Leadership in school improvement. It does this by being appropriately involved in the school improvement cycle as follows:


  1. Developing and sharing the values and vision.
  2. Setting out the aims and objectives of the school.
  3. Setting out the policies and procedures by which the aims and objectives will be achieved.
  4. Establishing the criteria by which the aims and achievements will be seen to be achieved.
  5. Taking the views of stakeholders into account.
  6. Evaluating evidence on how well the school is doing.
  7. Finding out how well the school is doing in comparison with similar schools.
  8. Agreeing targets for improvement.
  9. Planning to achieve improvement.
  10. Ensuring that deployment of staffing and resources match the school’s priorities.

Key Issues 

The governance committee will consider and keep under review: the progress and attainment of all groups of pupils, evidence of narrowing gaps between under achieving groups and other pupils, improvements in the quality of teaching, the school’s improvement since the last inspection, and the school’s self-evaluation of how well it is doing currently. Governance committee members are not expected to be involved in the day to day running of the school.


 Who can be a governance committee member? 

  • Almost everyone over 18 can become a member. Governance committee members are volunteers from all walks of life – everyone has experience and skills to offer.
  • An effective governance committee has people from different backgrounds and with a mix of skills. No formal qualifications are needed to be a member.
  • Governance committee members are not education experts – they are there to offer a fresh perspective.


What makes a good governance committee member? 

  • The ability to work in a team.
  • An interest in education and a commitment to the school.
  • Patience, energy and enthusiasm.
  • A willingness to listen, learn and to spend time in school.
  • A willingness to undertake training.

St Joseph’s, Aylesham Local Governance Committee.

Declaration of Interests 24/25 and Historical Committee Members


Meeting attendance – Academic Year 23/24

Our Chair of the Academy Committee, Carmel Digman, can be contacted by email :-

The Clerk to the committee, Sally Posnett, can be contacted by email :-

Copies of the Governing Body minutes are available from the School Office.



Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership




Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership Vision:

As a member of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership our school is part of a family of schools.

Our Trust recognises and celebrates that Jesus came to give us ‘life in all its fullness’, and this is what our partnership of schools aims to provide for our children and our young people during their time with us. The gospel sits at the very heart of all we plan, think, and do. Our key message to our children and young people is that we are called by God to love and serve one another as sisters and brothers, and to share Christ’s peace and joy with one another, both locally and as part of a global community. 


We strive together to ensure that our schools will offer an ambitious education and curriculum for all, with a firm focus on the provision of excellent teaching and learning to ensure that the potential of each and every one of our children and young people in our schools is fulfilled; whatever their need. 


We work together in a partnership which is willing to share outstanding expertise, offers support and challenge when needed, supports wellbeing effectively and which keeps everyone in our school communities safe; by doing so we enable our children, young people and communities to flourish. 


We will continue to build and develop Trust-wide systems together, which have clarity of purpose and ensure secure finance for every school and a safe, sustainable environment, and thereby ensure all of our children, young people and staff feel nurtured and cared for.



The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership was created in 2012, at the request of the Archdiocese of Southwark, to support and further develop Catholic education in Kent. We currently have 28 schools in the partnership, 23 Primary and 5 Secondary, all of which are part of the Archdiocese of Southwark. The Trust has 5 Members, led by the Archbishop, and a Board of Directors, of which the Foundation Directors are appointed by the Archbishop. We work in close partnership with the Archdiocese and the Education Commission. 


An Executive Central Team is employed to manage the day-to-day running of the Trust, this team includes the CEO, who manages and implements the strategic plan for the Trust and works collaboratively with the Headteachers of our schools. 


Our partnership's aim is to work together to ensure a world class, ambitious Catholic education for anyone who chooses to attend our schools. We work in close collaboration and consultation with our leaders, including the members of governance committees and staff of our schools, to fulfil our vision and carry out the gospel mission. 


As a Trust we have worked together to create our vision and strategic plan, through a process of wide consultation and review, and with a commitment to continue to work together to bring our plans to fruition. 


The Trust has created its Business Plan which will ensure the monitoring, measurement and completion of our strategic plan and its objectives on an annual basis. 


Links to Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership key documents:  

Trust Key Documents includes:

  • Articles of Association
  • Master funding agreement
  • Trade Union Facility Time annual date return
  • Gender Pay Gap
  • Modern Slavery Statement


KCSP Policies and Privacy Notices includes

  • Trust Behaviour, suspensions and exclusion policy
  • Trust Charging and remissions policy
  • Trust Complaints policy
  • Trust Whistle-blowing policy
  • Trust Equality Policy

Governance includes:

  • Memorandum of Association
  • Register of business interests from the accounting officer
  • Governance Handbook/Scheme of delegation


Who are we includes:


  • Remit of Member and Board of Directors


Governance Committees includes:

  • Committees and Local Governance Committees for all schools within Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership


Financial Information includes:

  • Master Funding agreement
  • Annual Report and accounts
  • Number of employees whose annual salary and benefits exceed 100K in 10K bandings



Archdiocese of Southwark website



* We are aware of the recommendation to publish diversity data for the governing body but have chosen not to publish this.  Because of the small number of governors, it would be difficult to keep the results anonymous.