Remote Learning 08.01.2025
Good morning Giraffe Class! Frosty has been to visit us all today!
Please find your learning below, there is no need to print anything off if you do not have a printer, you need a piece of paper and pen or pencil to write down your answers. You also need to login into Times Tables Rockstars - remember you can play each other on it. Mrs Hunt
Spelling - Giraffe class spelling group - write out the sentences filling in the missing word. (If you are in another group, find that class page and complete the phonics learning.)
Reading - How can I retrieve information from a text? Complete a Roman reading comprehension (again write out the answers and remember they do not need to be full sentences.)
Writing - What descriptive techniques can I use? Below in the 'writing' attachment is an image and instructions. Use the links to support your knowledge of descriptive techniques.
What are metaphors and similes? - BBC Bitesize
What are adjectives? - BBC Bitesize
Maths - What is a factor? Use the link below to help explain the maths learning - factors
What are multiples and factors? - BBC Bitesize
PE - How can I use my body to create different holds and movements? Use the link below to access a yoga routine. Alternatively, you could set your own fitness challenge or circuit in your home.
Watch & Stream Free Kids Yoga Videos | Cosmic Kids
Science - What are the key features of a plant? Use the link below to read and watch the video.
The structure of plants - BBC Bitesize